Tehnološko sodelovanje

Tehnološko sodelovanje

13. 04. 2010

Celotna baza tehnoloških profilov Enterprise Europe Network: www.een.si/index.php?id=16&lang=si.


08 PL 61AL 2RXO

A query and programming language to improve the communication process with databases

09 PL 63BB 3D8W

Innovative vacuum technology of golden glass and mirrors manufacturing

09 RU 86FG 3DR7

Toothbrushes with healing effect

10 RU 86FG 3GZY

Technology for information search with account for semantics of unstructured text and user requests

09 NL 60AH 3D39

Water gates for managing levels of surface and industrial waste water.

09 CZ 0744 3CTS

Boiler for burning of whole bales of straw.

09 ES 27F4 3D7B

Wireless News Gathering

10 NL 60AF 3GZ1

High Performance Energy saving cost-effective innovative new Roofing System

10 NL 60AH 3GYW

Prediction of optimal product design

08 BE 0213 0J9J

Biological cleaning and degreasing base for a broad range of industrial & domestic applications

08 BE 0213 0J9K

Natural fertiliser that enhances soil productivity while reducing watering requirements and gradually cleaning chemical soil pollution

09 GR 49Q1 3D9O

Manipulation enhancements for remotely operated sea vehicles (ROVs)

10 RU 86FG 3GYC

Radioactive wastes carbonization

10 GB 41n8 3GYL

Ecological production of high purity xylitol (a sugar substitute) that fully meets EU standards


Middleware for access to the smart card subsystem and for developing smart card applications

09 IT 53V3 3D6W

The sonic imprint, a new non-invasive technique able to univocally identify and monitor the integrity of artifacts

09 GR 49Q4 3D1V

Wet Ceramic Conditioner for ultra rapid drying of ceramic products

10 PL 64BD 3GXN

Special polyurethane foam material for door panels production


Institut »Jožef Stefan«

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Trobec

Tel: (01) 477 38 79

E-mail: marjeta.trobec@ijs.si

Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Dimičeva 13, 1000 Ljubljana

Kontaktna oseba: Simona Rataj

Tel: (01) 589 81 39

E-mail: simona.rataj@gzs.si

Centre for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary
Research and Studies of the Univerity of Maribor – CIMRS

Enterprise Europe Network

Krekova 2, 2000 Maribor

Kontaktna oseba: Marjeta Maurer

Tel: (02) 235 52 79
E-mail: marjeta.maurer@uni-mb.si

Univerza na Primorskem

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper

Enterprise Europe Network - Slovenija

Garibaldijeva 18, SI-6000 Koper

Kontaktna oseba: Dragan Šumanski

Tel: (05) 663 77 83

E-mail: dragan.sumanski@zrs.upr.si

Ali se vam je zdel članek koristen? Da Ne
