Na voljo 81M€ za energijsko učinkovitost

Na voljo 81M€ za energijsko učinkovitost

23. 12. 2014

Vir in informacije: Inovacijsko-razvojni inštitut Univerze v Ljubljani, 17. 12. 2014,

Objavljeni so razpisi za teme energijske učinkovitosti programa Obzorje 2020 (Horizon2020 Energy Efficiency). EU bo namenila skupaj 80M€ za projekte, ki bodo prispevali k energijski učinkovitosti in trajnosti na področjih stavb, ogrevanja in ohlajevanja; razvijali nove oblike financiranja energetskih investicij; in spodbujali energijsko učinkovitost v podjetjih, proizvodnji in pri delovanju potrošnikov.

Financirali bodo raziskovalne, inovacijske in tržne pa tudi regulatorne dejavnosti. Projektni partnerji so lahko mdr. podjetja, raziskovalne organizacije, lokalna uprava in NVO-ji. Rok: 4.6.2015.

Teme s prijavnim rokom 4.6.2015.

Buildings and consumers

  • EE5 - Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation / 4 June 2015
    EE6 - Demand response in blocks of buildings / 4 June 2015
    EE7 - Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures / 4 June 2015
    EE9 - Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures / 4 June 2015
    EE10 - Consumer engagement for sustainable energy / 4 June 2015
    EE11 - New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency / 4 June 2015

Heating and cooling

  • EE13 - Technology for district heating and cooling / 4 June 2015
    EE14 – Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions / 4 June 2015

Industry and products

  • EE15 - Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation / 4 June 2015
    EE16 - Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry / 4 June 2015
    EE17 - Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups / 4 June 2015

Finance for sustainable energy

  • EE19 - Improving the finance ability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments - 4 June 2015
    EE20 - Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects - 4 June 2015
    EE21 - Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy / 4 June 2015

Več informacij o razpisih za H2020EE

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